Visitation trip to Indonesia ends
On September 2, 2024 our Superior General, Sister Maria Cordis Reiker, returned from Visitation of our Province St. Joseph in Indonesia and Timor-Leste.
Following God’s Call
In the last few weeks, we have been able to share in the joy of our Provinces as many sisters took their next steps in religious life.
Festivities for the 150th Anniversary of the Death of Pastor Gerhard Dall
“God does nothing but provide.” With these words, Father Schöneich summarized what the parishioners and the sisters were able to experience with great joy and deep gratitude during the anniversary celebrations on the 150th anniversary of Father Gerhard Dall's death. At the same time, it captures the essence of what profoundly shaped Mother M. Anselma Bopp, the foundress of our Congregation, and Father Gerhard Dall in their thoughts and actions, even in the most difficult times: unconditional trust in God's fatherly care in everything. Those celebrating were able to experience this in many different ways during the jubilee days.
We bid farewell to Sister Margaretha Maria
On 15 June 2024, our former Superior General, Sister Margaretha Maria Brand, passed away after a serious illness, accompanied by the prayers of her fellow sisters. She was 80 years old and in the 55th year of her religious profession. She led the congregation as Superior General for 24 years and served as a General Council Sister for a further six years.
Corpus Christi 2024
Together with the parish community, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Corpus Christi (May 30) - with an evening Mass in Christ the King Church, at which Father Thomas was the homilist. The Mass was followed by a procession, in which it is tradition that the Blessed Sacrament is carried in a monstrance by a priest under a processional canopy, accompanied by banners and flags. The procession went around the convent church, through the courtyard of the boys’ boarding school to House St. Agnes and to the altar of the St. Francis Chapel. We then proceeded down Kloster Street to the main gate and again into Christ the King Church, where the solument conclusion with the Te Deum (Holy God we Praise Thy Name!) took place..
First Mass on Pentecost
It was with great joy that we were able to celebrate a special Pentecost today. Patrick Poll, who was ordained a priest in the Osnabrück Cathedral on May 18, celebrated his first Mass after his priestly ordination in our Christ the King Church. In addition to our rector, Fr. Klemens M. Banse, OFM and Fr. Dietmar Schöneich, pastor of the parish church in Thuine, there were also other concelebrating priests who had guided Fr. Poll on his way; a few even came from the Diocese of Feldkirch in Austria.
Eleven Franciscan Sisters Celebrate their Jubilees
Filled with gratitude and joy, two Franciscan sisters celebrated their Golden Jubilee and nine sisters their Diamond Jubilee at the Motherhouse in Thuine. The Holy Mass for the occasion, which was celebrated by Canon Theo Paul, with Father Klemens-M. Banse, OFM and many other priests concelebrating, and attended by numerous co-sisters, relatives and guest of the Jubilarians, took place on May 4, 2024 in Christ the King Church.
May Devotion at the Lourdes Grotto
May 1, 2024
With sunny weather, we gathered today at the Lourdes grotto of our convent’s park and greeted the Mother of God at the beginning of May, the month of Mary. Father Klemens had invited us to the May Devotion (Maiandacht). This invitation was accepted by many sisters and some guests as well. We had a lovely time singing Marian hymns, praying the Rosary, and listening to musical pieces for flute and violin. The birds made their contribution too. Here are some impressions:
Feast of St. George in Thuine
Feastday Mass together in the village church in Thuine
April 23, 2024
We celebrate St. George together.
St. George is one of the most popular saints in Europe. Traces of this can be found in various places. It is known that during Diocletian’s persecution of the Christians in the fourth century, St. George died a martyr’s death in Cappadocia, in modern-day Turkey. With that, the veneration of this Christian youth began early on. Each year, together the Eastern Church, we commemorate this brave knight who gave his life for Christ.
Then they will fast (Mt 9:14b)
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40-day period, which in German is sometimes called the “Paschal time of penance,” and is also commonly referred to as simply Lent (in German, Fastenzeit: “time to fast” or “fasting time”). What kind of a reflection does one put for this on the homepage of a religious community? That’s not so easy to answer, some sisters thought, when the conversation happened to touch on this question.