Personal Prayer
Because each of us has a unique history and way of relating with God, prayer must also be a personal reality. In addition to praying in common, each Sister has ample opportunity for silent prayer, adoration, and meditation. Prayers honoring the Passion of Christ, such as the Stations of the Cross, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, such as the rosary, are prayed both privately, as well as in common on certain occasions.
Community prayer in the morning, at midday and in the evening helps structure our day
Prayer is conversation with God, the essential way of relating with Him. As a community of co-Sisters, we have the privilege of approaching God together. The highest point of our common worship consists of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. In addition, by praying of the Liturgy of the Hours, we enter into God’s action of sanctifying the world. Nourished by reading and meditating on the Scriptures, we meet regularly for Bible discussions.
There is a ledger for prayer requests in the vestibule for those who wish to share their concerns in writing. This can also be done digitally. You can also send us your prayer request by E-mail: Click here.
You prayer requests are forwarded daily to our Sisters in the adoration chapel.
Our Sisters are happy to pray for you and your intentions.
Since 1953, the Sisters have been praying in the adoration chapel of the Motherhouse day and night for the intentions of the Church and the world.
The adoration chapel is open to anyone who wishes to pray there.