Two Sisters consecrate themselves to the Lord in final vows
The human person has been created for love. He finds the meaning of his existence in a life of communion with others. At its very root, religious life is an expression of this reality whose essence consists in belonging totally to God within the communion of the Church.
This radical belonging allows men and women religious to accompany their fellow men in their joys and sorrows. This capacity arises from a relationship with God in which consecrated religious experience of their own humanity in a deep and authentic way. Through this experience, they recognize in the questions of others the longing of the human heart for that which endures forever. The ability to point to God as the One who brings this mysterious desire to fulfillment is the service inside of every work. This service transforms the loneliness of life’s journey into a shared path through the gift of compassion.
Although all persons are called to be in relation with God and neighbor, men and women religious live this twofold communion in a way different from married or single persons. As a stable way of life within the Church, religious life is constituted by the profession of the evangelical counsels and life in community.