Fototermine der Jubilarinnen mit Ordens- und Provinzleitung an der Mutterhauspforte

Consecrated to the Lord for fifty and sixty years.

Our jubilarians were delighted to celebrate their golden and diamond jubilees on Saturday, September 23, 2023. They thanked THEIR Lord in a solemn celebration. Father Heinz-Jürgen Reker OFM, presided over the Holy Mass in our Christ the King Church.

He had guided the Sisters on their retreat during the previous week, at which time they had the opportunity to reflect on their life in the Congregation. At the invitation of the Jubilarians, several other priests concelebrated the Mass.

Many invited guests and co-Sisters took part in the celebration. After Holy Mass, refreshments were served in our gymnasium and the Jubilarians were finally able to meet their relatives, friends and other guests who had been waiting to congratulate them. The families later went to the St. Agnes Guest House for lunch, where they enjoyed spending time together.

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